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Wed Jun 19th, 2024 @ 2:32am

Private, 1st Class MOO Garrison

Name MOO NMN Garrison

Position Engineering Officer

Rank Private, 1st Class

Character Information

Gender Male
Species human
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 1.92
Weight 165
Hair Color sandy blond
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Tall, lanky farm boy, looks skinny, with big hands and feet.


Spouse not married
Children none
Father unknown
Mother unknown
Brother(s) 34 at orphanage
Sister(s) 34 at orphanage
Other Family unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview highly energetic, unbridled entheusim
Strengths & Weaknesses strong as an ox, not that bright, quite shy around females
Hobbies & Interests ice skiing, rock climbing, spelunking, diving (aqua not sky)

Personal History back cover story :::
Moo was raised in an orphanage in a frontier world. The orphanage was run by the Retired mayor and caretaker of the Hydroponics plantation for the south Central plains. The Town only had about 200 permanent residents, Including the sheriff and his posse. The town was gifted with anywhere between 1500 and 4000 prisoners who did the slave labor to harvest the crops. The high point was the fall harvest, the spring harvest tended to only barley and rye. Standard slave colors kept the prisoners in line.

Moe had a knack for all things mechanical and electrical and was taken in by a maintenance engineer at the Hydroponics maintenance lab.  Was drafted into the alliance, after results of his basic school test revealed high technical abilities. 

Two years later after spending time as a medic/pilot, he had to service his own assault ship, due to the lack of skilled grease monkey’s in the back water. He was voluntold to go on a high risk classified mission.

It started bad and ended up worse, his assault craft was shot down almost immediately and after he crash landed with only three fatalities, they started the mission. Two hours later, he was hit, and knocked unconscious. His body was stripped of everything. His uniform, weapons, ID tags and everything.  His platoon was wiped out, he was found by a local and sent to a local infirmary. The records indicated that he was injured while driving a truck hauling arms and ammo and other contraband to sell to the rebels. He woke up in the infirmary recovery room in restraints and after a really bad day in recovery,  Inwich his claim of him having his Ident-a-card was lost or stolen. He was discharged and transferred. Due to a record’s mistake, he was sent to a far out penal colony instead of an alliance penal colony on Persephone.  He had no proof of who he was,  and everyone claims that they're innocent. His claims fell on deaf ears and after 60 days of bad treatment, he escaped. Well it was not his fault that they left the keys in the skimmer, with him on a work detail. 

He managed to scrap the skimmer and make a mule out of it, moving to the dark side and living as a prospector, he spent 3 months there, until he caught a ride on a tramp freighter hauling less than honest gods out.
Service Record He grew up in an orphanage and once it was discovered that he had a knack for being able to fix anything, he was taken in as a grease monkey at the village waterworks for Cadrie Pond. It is a small body of water located on Persephone. When he was 16, an Alliance sweep caught him, and he was drafted into the war effort. His mechanical and flight aptitude got him trained in the assault shuttle pilot/maintenance MOS. He was sent into combat.

June, 2507 - while assigned to a heavy cruiser under Admiral Devchenko, His assault shuttle wing was deployed upon reaching Hera, with heavy losses on both sides. He was shot down twice flying combat shuttles. First, upon the initial assault Fleet landing, then when Admiral Devchenko began a retreat, his shuttle was shot down in the first fifteen minutes of the retreat. He was medivac'd promptly.

August, 2507 - At the second Battle of Verbena. He had five successful drops and 4 pickups, and Once again the Alliance Army retreated to Osiris.

September 17, 2507 - Cross-trained in ships defense force, just in case it was needed at the Battle of Tietam near Sihnon. when Admiral Li invaded the Core worlds through the Poseidon Nebula with 550,000 troops, en route to Osiris.
Enemy forces were beaten back to Verbena.

December 22, 2507 - participated in 14 frontal assaults. Due to high losses, only experienced pilots were allowed flight time after most of the initial three waves of assault pilots failed to return.

January 25, 2508 - Shake-ups in The Alliance command had Moo hopping from ship to ship, as senior combat shuttle pilots were in short supply.

May 17, 2508 - Lost his assault shuttle at the Battle of Three Hills as a result of enemy anti-air gun emplacements.

August 23, 2508 - survived 15 missions on Bellerophon, the last Independent planet with easy access to both Core and Border worlds.

January, 2509 - New Dunsmuir on Beaumonde is captured, allowing the Alliance forces to begin moving against Independent forces in the Core as well.

June 13, 2509 - A costly mistake by General Haas resulted in 7,000 Alliance casualties in twenty minutes during an advance on Beylix. 43 of 60 assault shuttles were lost on the first wave. Moo's shuttle was one of the above.

July 21, 2509 Safely made three drops and 5 recoveries Whitefall.
August 29, 2509 Safely made twenty-three drops and forty-five recoveries on the Silverhold Colonies,
November 22, 2509, was shot down while over Saint Albans. Declared missing, and presumed dead.

10/29/2506 Inducted into the Alliance Military.
1/29/2507 Graduated Alliance Military boot camp. Assigned to Combat Pilot/Assault Shuttle Maintenance.
06/10/2507 At the head of his class, he and 14 others graduated early and were transferred to the front.
6/26/2507 Awarded combat ribbon plus bronze star. He was awarded 2 purple hearts for the battle of Hera.
8/16/2507 Awarded combat ribbon plus bronze star for not losing his ship at Verbena.
9/17/2507 Awarded combat ribbon for ship's self-defense actions at the Battle of Tietam near Sihnon.
12/22/2507 Awarded combat ribbon plus bronze star at Verbena.
05/17/2508 Received reprimand for losing combat shuttle to enemy action at the Battle of Three Hills.
08/23/2508 Awarded combat ribbon and Received reprimand for extensive damage to combat shuttle due to enemy action on Bellerophon.
01/21/2509 Awarded combat ribbon for not losing his assault shuttle during raids to capture New Dunsmuir on Beaumonde.
06/13/2509 Received reprimand for extensive damage to combat shuttle due to enemy action on Beylix.
07/21/2509 Awarded combat ribbon plus bronze star for not losing his assault shuttle on Whitefall.
8/29/2509 Awarded combat ribbon plus bronze star for not losing his assault shuttle on the Silverhold Colonies.
11/22/2509, Was shot down over Saint Albans. Declared missing, and presumed dead.