Private, 1st Class Abigail Bowman

Name Abigail Rebekka Bowman

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Private, 1st Class

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6
Weight 125
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description She is of average height and build for a female human. She is a skilled surgeon and doctor, with amazing dexterity for really intricate work. She has brown hair and deep brown intelligent-looking eyes and has a healer's touch.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Prio Bowman 56 Fusion reactor engineer Deceased
Mother AnnaMarie Dubuios Deceased
Brother(s) Phillip 38 Magistrate
Andrew 37 Pediatrician
Sister(s) Margaret 32 Cattle farmer Mother of three

Personality & Traits

General Overview Abigail was a captain in the Browncoats as well as a medical doctor. She still has her license to practice medicine on many worlds, she knows about roots and herbs and pharmacopeia and can make her own medicine.
Strengths & Weaknesses She is tender and loving but a pretty good fighter. She is learning about mechanical engineering from Moo
Ambitions Stay alive to fight another day hear the sick and make a better life for her and her friends
Hobbies & Interests Collects Nic Nak especially tea sets if she can find them intact.

Personal History Abigail was born on the planet Ariel, the 11 planet orbiting 34 Tauri a white star that is aligned with the Union of Allied Planets. It is a very advanced planet technologically, So she grew up with all the advantages a human could have attended all the fine schools and eventually became a neurosurgeon. She witnessed many of the cruelties of the core systems and when the war broke out joined the Browncoats for independence. She eventually achieved the rank of captain, of course, the war was lost, and she was declared an outlaw. She makes her living as a ship's doctor which allows her to keep on the move. and avoid capture. She never wants to go back to prison again. Fortunately, she is a highly skilled doctor so she trades her skills for passage and food.
Service Record Captain and surgeon for the Browncoats.Was captured imprisoned and tortured. but was able to escape and has a new identity of Abigail Bowman.